Firefox Update Makes Blocking Trackers More Transparent

These days we’re seeing how more developers are starting to build more robust privacy protection features into their browsers, whether it be ad or tracker blocking. However sometimes it can be a bit confusing as to what is being blocked, especially for users who might not be tech savvy and have no idea what’s going on.

However Mozilla is hoping to end that confusion in the latest update to its Firefox browser where they are hoping to give users more control over their privacy. One of the ways this is done is by redesigning the Content Blocking section. This redesign is meant to help clear up any confusion users might have about what the various levels of blocking does, and explains them in detail.

There are three levels that users can choose from, with the first being “Standard” that blocks known trackers in Private Windows. The second is “Strict” that will block even more trackers to the point where it could break functionality on certain websites. Then there will also be the Custom level where users will have more control and options over what gets and doesn’t get blocked.

These changes are part of the Firefox 65 update so if you haven’t updated the browser yet, do so and you should be able to see these redesigned controls.

Firefox Update Makes Blocking Trackers More Transparent , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.