Amazon Details Vision To Make All Shipments Net Zero Carbon

Amazon wants to do better for the sake of the environment and to that end, the company today detailed its Shipment Zero vision for net zero carbon shipments. Amazon says that it aims to make all shipments net zero carbon. It expects 50 percent of all shipments to be net zero by 2030.

This initiative is in line with Amazon’s long-term goal to power its global infrastructure using 100 percent renewable energy. It says that with the improvements in electric vehicles, aviation bio fuels, reusable packaging, and renewable energy, it can now see a path to net zero carbon delivery of shipments to customers. It has set a goal of reaching net zero carbon for 50 percent of all Amazon shipments by 2030.

The company says that it will share its progress on this journey by releasing company-wide carbon footprint data in addition to related goals and programs later this year. This is the result of an extensive project over the past two years in which Amazon developed an advanced scientific model to carefully map out its carbon footprint.

Amazon acknowledges that achieving the Shipment Zero target won’t be easy but it feels that “it’s worth being focused and stubborn on this vision” and that it’s committed to seeing it through.

Amazon Details Vision To Make All Shipments Net Zero Carbon , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.