Resident Evil Switch Ports Are More Expensive

Recently it was confirmed that Capcom will be releasing more Resident Evil titles onto the Nintendo Switch platform. This includes Resident Evil HD Remaster, Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 4 which are expected to be made available on the 21st of May. These are obviously not new titles and are actually ports of older games.

As such we expect that they will not be priced like a triple-A game at $60. However it turns out that despite them being ports, they aren’t cheap either. The games will be priced at $29.99 each and it seems that there will not be an option to purchase them in a bundle (which is usually cheaper or comes with added bonuses).

This means that players who want to play all three titles will need to fork out $100. This is versus other platforms that the games are available on, such as the PS4 and Xbox One where the titles are sold at $19.99 each. We’re not sure why Capcom has decided to tack on a $10 premium for the Switch version of the game considering that it is essentially the same game, but unfortunately players who want to play it won’t really have much of choice but to pay if they want to play.

Resident Evil Switch Ports Are More Expensive , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.