Google Search Testing New Date Filter Commands

Google has always allowed users to filter their search results on its website, where users will be able to sort their searches based on date. By default, Google search results tend to surface the latest and most relevant information, but there are times when users might want to seek out information from several years or decades ago.

Now according to Google, they are testing out new date filter commands that users can type into the search bar to help surface information that is more relevant to their needs. We should point out that this is aimed more at users who use search commands instead of using the user interface on Google’s website, so if you consider yourself a “power user”, then this might be right up your alley.

The new commands include “before” and “after” commands. According to Google, this is the syntax that you can use:

[avengers endgame before:2019]

[avengers endgame after:2019-04-01]

[avengers endgame after:2019-03-01 before:2019-03-05]

The first one will allow you to search for “Avengers Endgame” content before 2019, while the second one will search for content posted after the 1st of April, while the third one will let you search for content posted after the 1st of March, but before the 5th of March. As we said, these search features have been available via the “Tools” section when you use the user interface, but if you prefer typing out commands, then these new filters might be worth taking note of.

For many searches, surfacing fresh information often ensures the best relevancy. However, sometimes people want to find older yet also relevant information. Our tools have long made this possible. Now we’re testing new before: and after: commands to make this even easier….

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) April 9, 2019

Google Search Testing New Date Filter Commands , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.