Amateur Photographers Capture 1,060-Hour Photo Of A Galaxy

Image credit – Ciel Austral

If you’re a photographer who has ever shot landscape photos, there is a good chance that long-exposure photography is something that you’re probably quite familiar with. For those who aren’t familiar, long-exposure photography means leaving the shutter of your camera open for extended periods of time to allow as much light in as possible.

This is useful in capturing certain landscape photos, especially in low-light where the long exposure will help light up the photo in a more natural manner. It is also used in astrophotography where long-exposure can help reveal more parts of the sky, which is kind of what a group of amateur photographers calling themselves Ciel Austral has done.

Image credit – Ciel Austral

Over the course of time, the team managed to capture 4,000 photos over the period of 1,060 hours of cumulative exposure, which could be seen as a world record set by non-professionals. This resulted in 620 GB of data which they then used to create the photo you see above. For non-space buffs, this is an image of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way that’s said to be about 163,000 light-years away. The result is stunning and only goes to remind us of how small we truly are, and how there is much of the universe we have yet to truly explore.

Amateur Photographers Capture 1,060-Hour Photo Of A Galaxy , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.