IKEA Turns To 3D Printing To Make Furniture More Accessible

The problem with furniture making is that it takes time, and if you need something that’s custom-made, it can be expensive. For the most part most of us can get by with regular furniture, but what if you’re disabled? What if you need specialized furniture? That’s where it gets a bit tricky.

However IKEA thinks that they might have the solution to that problem in the form of 3D printing, where the furniture maker has teamed up with a company called Milbat on a project called ThisAbles. This relies on 3D printing to create addons for furnitures that will help those who are disabled.

For example some of the 3D printable items include easier-to-grab handles and bumpers that can be used to protect cabinets, and also lifts to raise couches. If you own a 3D printer, you will actually be able to 3D print these pieces of furniture yourself for free. If you don’t, then you’ll have to visit IKEA Israel to see the items in person, or you can buy them ready-made through Milbat.

Customers are also expected to be able to request for customizations where if you don’t have any IKEA furniture, you will still be able to get some addons that will hopefully fit.

IKEA Turns To 3D Printing To Make Furniture More Accessible , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.