Microbiologist Draws Game Of Thrones House Sigils Using Bacteria
Image credit – Bria O’Brien
HBO’s Game of Thrones has become something of a cultural phenomenon where it will probably be talked about years after the series has ended. As such, it’s not surprising to find many people out there paying tribute to their favorite television show, which is what microbiologist Bria O’Brien did.
In a photo shared on Reddit, O’Brien essentially “drew” out the house sigils from Game of Thrones using bacteria. O’Brien, who is a laboratory manager at Tentamus North America in Virginia told Vice, “We make our own media (the stuff that makes bacteria happy) in house and therefore quality check our media to make sure it grows what it’s supposed to and doesn’t grow what it shouldn’t.”
She adds, “Depending on the outcome of [ Game of Thrones], I may draw some agar plates specifically detailing the end,” she said. “My favorite house is house Stark. It has the majority of the morally good characters in the show that I’d like to see make it out alive.” That being said, the concept of this kind of art, known as agar art, is actually a pretty popular hobby amongst microbiologists.
In fact, there is annual contest held by The American Society for Microbiology to find the best artwork grown using bacteria, and we reckon that O’Brien could stand a good shot at winning.
Microbiologist Draws Game Of Thrones House Sigils Using Bacteria , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.