Smart Home Devices Could Get Security Warnings In The UK

Connected devices are increasingly making their way into our homes. These devices are connected to the internet which means that they’re always at the risk of being breached, no matter how good the security might be. The government of the United Kingdom is looking to establish a baseline of security requirements for such products and they might include mandatory security warnings for smart home devices.

The new rules that are now being considered by the government could make it mandatory for such devices to have labels which tell customers just how secure a device is. The rules could prohibit retailers from selling devices that don’t have a mandated security label.

It’s pertinent to mention here that the country hasn’t made a decision on these new rules at this point in time. It has only started the consultation process so it can’t be said for sure right now if this will translate into law anytime soon.

However, if the rules are adopted, they might also require that connected devices have unique passwords that can’t be rest to universal factory settings. Other disclosure requirements for manufacturers of smart home devices may include stating the minimum amount of time that a device will get security updates.

Smart Home Devices Could Get Security Warnings In The UK , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.