Tesla To Investigate Video Of Parked Car Exploding In China

Since electric cars contain huge batteries, there is that fear of it potentially exploding and catching on fire, similar to what we’ve seen in the past with smartphones. Fortunately, for the most part, we haven’t really heard about exploding cars, at least until recently where it seems that a video making its rounds in China has Tesla a bit worried.

For those wondering, there is a video making its rounds on the Chinese social media that shows a Tesla Model S car exploding. In the video, the car isn’t doing anything other than just sitting there where at the start it shows some smoke come out of the car before it bursts into flames. A second video later shows the aftermath of the explosion where apparently three cars were destroyed in the process.

It is unclear as to what might have happened or if the video is even real, but clearly it is a cause for concern. In a statement made to Reuters, a Tesla representative said, “We immediately sent a team onsite and we’re supporting local authorities to establish the facts. From what we know now, no one was harmed.”

According to Tesla, the company had actually previously boasted that its cars are 10 times less likely to experience a fire compared to petrol-powered cars.

Tesla To Investigate Video Of Parked Car Exploding In China , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.